Tuesday, November 29, 2016

30 Day Patreon Journal

Well, it's been a while since I've blogged. Really haven't had anything positive to say. It's the end of the year, and it's been a long year.

And I'm tired.

But, in true Big Tim fashion, I'm loading up the final month of 2016 with may too much work.
I've been listening to a podcast all about launching comic books on Kickstarter. It's by Tyler James and is called Comixlaunch. If you're an independent comic book creator, or plan on using Kickstarter for any project, it's worth listening to.

Anyway, he has done a number of episodes on Patreon. One thing he has suggested people planning to launch a Patreon page should do, is a 30 Day journal where they document their actions and results.
Having recently started a Patreon for my self-published BigTim’s Funny Books, I decided I’d throw my hat in the ring. I mean, what do I have to lose? I already have 11 backers. Worst case scenario is they get bored and leave. Best case scenario is I land some new backers.

So, to paraphrase (and deadest cut and paste from Tyler James’ original post) I’m going to devote at least some time every single day for the next 30 days to take some action intended to increase the number of Patrons backing my Patreon page.
And I’m going to post my daily progress here, in my old, unused blog.

So, the first thing Tyler suggests is making S.M.A.R.T. goals. Just saying “I want more Patreon backers” isn’t good enough. It’s not specific and not a real goal.

Whereas if I say “I want 14 more Patreon backers by 31st Dec 2016, this is a measurable goal with a time limit. Win or lose, succeed or fail, I’ll have a measurable result when all is said and done.

So S.M.A.R.T. goals means:

So, if my goal is I want 14 more Patreon backers by 31st Dec 2016, does it measure up to S.M.A.R.T. goal making?

  • Specific? Yes. 14 Patrons.
  • Measurable? Yes. On 31st December 2016, I can look at my page and see if I succeeded or failed.
  • Achievable? I think so. I have 65 subscribers so far on my email list, and my podcast gets anywhere from 25 to 45 listeners each episode. So I think 14 more Patrons is doable.
  • Relevant? 14 Patrons won’t make me rich, but it will cover the costs of one page of art a month.
  • Time-bound? Yessir. 31st December is just around the corner.
Tyler also suggested taking the goals a step further and to set three goals. A regular goal, an ambitious goal, and an insane goal.
As I’ve already said twice, my regular goal is 14 more backers by 31st Dec 2016.
My ambitious goal is a total of 41 backers by 31st Dec 2016.
My insane goal is a total of 100 backers by 31st Dec 2016.

Each day, I’ll be posting here about what action I’m taking towards growing a following on Patreon, starting from my current 11. Each journal entry will contain:

  • Date
  • Commentary – What I’m thinking about or focusing on to clarify or help explain the reasoning behind the actions?
  • Actions – What specific actions I took to directly or indirectly promote the Patreon?
  • Results – How those actions directly impact the number of Patrons who have sized up?Reflections – My thoughts and emotions about the actions/ results?
And here we are. I don’t know if anyone will read this, or even care. But if you don’t throw your hat in the ring, you won’t get that dance with that pig… or some other inspirational quote.

See you tomorrow.

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